Manage users πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’»πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»

PinToMind Classic

Add a user

Users with Account Owner and Admin roles can manage users on the account, and will find the user-management by going to "Users" in the menu in the upper left corner.

Add new users and administrators by entering name and e-mail-address. When you click "save", an invitation will be sent to the new user by e-mail.

Adjust user rights and access

After inviting a user, you can decide if the user shall be an administrator (have full access on the account) or if the user is to have limited access. 

If you decide limited access, you can select which screens the user shall be able to publish to, and if the user shall be able to edit everyone's posts or just his own.


On each user, you can click on whether the user should be the Account Owner/Contact Person. Multiple users can have this role. The contact persons for the account will receive e-mails relating to the account.

Change order of users

To the left of the name of the user, you will find a field with six dots which you can left-click and pull with the mouse-arrow, up or down in the user list, to change the order of users in the list.

Users with limited access

A user with limited access to the account access does not have the possibility to change account type, see other users or invite new users to the account. Users with limited access can only view the screens in the system that it has been given access to. 

Same user on several accounts

A user can be registered on several accounts. This user will at login be asked which account he wants to manage. When the user is logged in, he can change accounts by clicking on the PinToMind-logo on the middle on the top, or he can select account under "Menu" in the upper left corner. 

Remove users

If a user for some reason no longer is relevant on the account, we recommend removing this one. The old user can be removed by clicking on "remove" to the right of the user-name. One has to have administrator-rights to be able to do this. 

ℹ️ The user who is the Account owner / Contact person cannot be removed until another user is made the new Account owner / Contact person. Then untick the box for "Account owner / Contact person", and remove the user.

Select timezone for user

By selecting timezone for user under the menu-option  "Users" or "Me", the management-pages will be displayed with local time for the user. When using scheduling, this will be suggested in the user's timezone..

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