Manage posts from the start-page 📌
PinToMind Classic
Filters for which posts to see in the list
In the upper left corner of the Start-page, you'll find a drop-down menu where you can select which list of posts you want to see.
- Active posts: Posts that are displayed or are scheduled to be displayed.
- Archive: Posts that their dates have passed, or that are not published to any screen.
- Trashcan: Posts that are deleted, stay here for 15 days before they are deleted permanently.
- [Screen-name]: If you have more than one screen on your account, you can decide to only see posts connected to one of the screens.
To the right of this drop-down menu, you find a link to more advanced filter and search. Here you can specialize your filter more detailed, and for instance see only the posts that are displayed right now, or see posts that belong to a certain user or of certain type.
Preview posts from the startpage
Click on the same line as the post in order to preview it. In the top of the preview-window you can select if you want to display the post on a landscape screen, a vertical screen or in the mobile version of PinToMind Go. If you have several screens, you can also select which screen you want to preview on.
Select location and order of posts
The list of posts is divided into three sections, which represent the three different areas of the screen: the main area, the sidebar and the footer.
To the left of the title for each post, you find the symbol . This you can place the mouse-arrow over, left-click and pull the post up or down. You can change the order of the posts this way, and you can change the area of the screen that the post is displayed on.
See status and select screens that a post is to be displayed on
The symbol shows that a post is active and displayed on one screen. The symbol
shows that the post has scheduling (white part inside the circle) and waits for its time to be displayed (orange), and that it is to be displayed on one screen. The symbol
shows that the post is not published to any screen, and therefor is not active.
By clicking on the status-symbol, you get up a list of screens. Here you can easily un-publish or publish the post to a screen.
To the left of the status-symbol, is a drop-down-list where you can select duration for the post.
Delete posts
Hold the mouse pointer over the line of the post and a red trash can appears. Click this to delete the post. Posts that are deleted, stays in the trash can for 15 days before they are deleted permanently.
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